Greetings, for it is I, the great Eye in the Sky
The one who watches, the one who sees
The one who looks upon all of your things.

█ █ m a g i c k a █ █ @lokimiah1

Age 23


Joined on 7/27/10

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lokimiah1's News

Posted by lokimiah1 - February 2nd, 2021

Greetings! First, to lead off, I've put out a new song which can be enjoyed by your ears, at your leisure, below.

It's a little famitracker tune I initially wrote for my webcomic, however, I wasn't able to think of much of a purpose to give it - hence, I've chosen to release today, as no other day would be any better or any worse. Now then...

... speaking of my webcomic.

Today, I was supposed to update, and I've actually had my page half finished. Unfortunately, there seems to be a spark in my heart that isn't ignited, as I am having a rather troublesome time finishing said page. While I know exactly what to do, and how to do it, my heart isn't really in my visual art at the moment. Does this mean I'm quitting my webcomic? No, because I still love the little bastard.

However, at the moment, music - my original love - has recaptured my attention. I've been playing more, writing more, and listening to more music than I have been in awhile. To be frank, when I pick up my guitar, that spark in my heart ignites that previously was being sparked by my pens. I suppose it's come full circle, then, in that music is once again front and center for me.

So... what to do? Well, I'm going to focus on making music. Chiptune if I can, and GrapeCrush definitely. If I feel something inside myself aching to draw the comic, I will create a page, write the story, and upload it. However, those will be more sporadic, and music will be more frequent.

If you find this disappointing, I apologize. Otherwise, thank you for your time.


Posted by lokimiah1 - January 24th, 2021

Greetings, I will be taking this last week of January off, and I shall be returning the first Tuesday of February. This is so I can regroup, and plan what I'm gonna do a little bit in advance. So far, I've been pretty happy with how things are going, so I hope that that enthusiasm will seep into my work in the future. Until then, stay beautiful, everyone.


Posted by lokimiah1 - January 18th, 2021

Hey there! The new schedule has caused me to rethink how I go about doing this whole weekly status report thing, so now I'll be doing these statuses every two weeks or so. With that said, here's the start to this week's content!

And here are the things that came about between the last status update and this one, from oldest to newest.


Posted by lokimiah1 - January 5th, 2021

Greetings! I have returned from my break, refreshed, and with a new schedule. Now that I have my head screwed on my shoulders a bit better, I've decided that instead of working that the ridiculous pace that I was, I will be slowing it down some. Where before I would update every day of the week, every week, until I burned out, now I shall instead be updating TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and either SATURDAY or SUNDAY depending on how busy I am on the weekends.

Cool? Cool.

Here's last the last week's worth of updates, for those who haven't caught up since I left!

In theoretical order from Friday to Monday -


Posted by lokimiah1 - December 16th, 2020

Hey there. If you are one of (likely) five people who follow my webcomic, thank you very much for your time. It's been quite a ride, and I'm very proud that I've managed to commit to working on something so consistently for the amount of time that I have. Trust me, this is very unusual for me - but I feel proud to have come as far as I have, even if it isn't really *that* far in the grand scheme of things.

Sure, perhaps the art isn't anything super stellar. Maybe the writing isn't great either. I don't really get much feedback, so I don't know, but I do know that it doesn't matter either way. I love this thing I've made, I am totally in love with it in a way that I've not been about most other things I've done. Just being in the world makes me feel good, even if creating each subsequent page is incredibly draining.

Now, on to the point of this little update.

Last night, I had a nightmare about making my webcomic. I've been... in a poor spot mentally for awhile now. It's a big part in why I make my webcomic - it's prime escapism, really. Unfortunately, it's also gotten in the way of me being a real person. Turns out, spending all day every day drawing is not conducive to transitioning into adulthood. With pressure on me to apply for community college, and with myself spending less and less time with my friends due to my comic, last night's mare acted as a sort of jolt, if you will.

So what does this mean? Am I abandoning my comic forever?

No no, nothing of the sort. I'm going on another break - just a longer one. Principally because I need to learn how to be a real person. I've been a NEET since I turned 18, and NEET adjacent since well before that. As good of an excuse to be a NEET as Covid 19 has been, I know that I can't use that as a crutch forever. I can't depend on other people to carry me forever just because I want to stay in my room all day and pretend I live in technicolour fantasy land. I need to grow some.

With that being the case, I'm taking my break now. When will I return? Probably at the start of the new year, if I had to hazard a guess. I need to reconnect with my friends. I need to start going to school. I need to find - in essence - my future. And perhaps this webcomic is my future! I can't say yet, really.

Even if it is though, right now it isn't helping me in that way. It feels good to have improved at art, it feels good to have committed to something when before I couldn't even look at my own homework, and it feels good to have this whole world that I'm so deeply in love with. But it doesn't feel good to drift away from my friends. It doesn't feel good to miss deadlines and feel like I don't want to exist as a result, even though the deadlines only really exist in my head. And it doesn't feel good to have nightmares about the things I love.

So, I do hope you all can understand, and I do hope when I come back, that some of you will still be there to explore this beautiful world with me. Until then, though, I hope you all have a beautiful life. Stay safe.

PS - If it helps any, here's another tune to tide you over until I return


Posted by lokimiah1 - December 15th, 2020

Greetings! With the dawn of another week, we have the dawn of yet more Magicka Bipolaroid. This week will hopefully go smoothly and beautifully, both for me, and for all those who choose to spend their limited time on this earth away from said earth in my little world of ink and paper. With that said, here is the first update of the week -

And for those who may have missed any of last week's updates, here they are in order from Monday to Friday.


Posted by lokimiah1 - December 8th, 2020

Greetings! Last week, we left off on a bit of a musical note - hah - and the promise of a double feature in the face of my inablity to draw literally the simplest shot imaginable. Little did I know, I actually occupy a much lower spot on the competence totem pole than I had thought, and it took me literally all weekend and today to even come up with a single version of the shot that looked okay.

As you can imagine, this was incredibly disheartening - and I do apologize sincerely. So I do hope you can forgive me that today was not as double as anticipated - though I shall aim to make it up in some form or fashion. Nevertheless, I am a determined sort, and so the next week of production shall commence, regardless of how challenging it may or may not be.

If you missed any of last week's update's, here they are in order from Monday to Friday.


Posted by lokimiah1 - December 4th, 2020

Greetings. As you may or may not have noticed, in the depths of last night, I had released a song. Indeed, that song is still released, and it can be found below.

This is the theme for the Pillar Forest - the principle location at our current point in the Magicka Bipolaroid. I put it together in FamiTracker a few days ago after some inspiration struck, and released it last night. This is - hopefully - the first in a series of chiptune songs which will make up the Magicka Bipolaroid OST.

As for today's update, unfortunately it hasn't been particularly cooperative. I've sketched it out about two or three times today, and it just isn't quite coming together the way I want it to. With that being the case, I've elected to work on it over the weekend, and to release it as a double feature on monday alongside whatever the intended update for said day turns out to be.

I do thank you for your patience and graciousness, and I do hope that the future is as bright as these past few weeks have been.

Until next time!


Posted by lokimiah1 - December 1st, 2020

Greetings! After my week long break, I have returned. This time, I do not have extra slides, but rather something even better - an actual plan! I actually to the time to sit down and map out what's going to happen over the next two or three weeks. I usually have a rough idea, but this time it's a bit more solid, so I hope you enjoy what I have in store! In the mean time, here is the first update of the week!

Otherwise, if you missed the updates of the previous week I had worked on this series, you can find them below in order of publication.


Posted by lokimiah1 - November 23rd, 2020

Hey there everybody. As you may or may not know, I've been taking longer to draw my stuff than before. Such is the cost of trying to do things at at least a level I can be okay with. Unfortunately, this week is thanksgiving, which means I will be a bit busy. Don't worry, no big family gatherings - not trying to succumb to covidicus the 19th - but I won't have the insane amount of freetime that I did the prior weeks. Rest assured, your regular scheduled webcomic will be reconvening next week, and when I have a little extra time, I will be working on it still. So, watch out for some tasty double features in the future.

With that said, thank you very much for your patience. If you missed any of last week's updates, here they are in order from Monday to Friday -
