Greetings, for it is I, the great Eye in the Sky The one who watches, the one who sees The one who looks upon all of your things.
Age 23
Joined on 7/27/10
ExAker 2012-06-01 06:00:00
Okay send me or show me.
lokimiah1 2012-06-01 06:00:00 (Updated 2012-06-02 15:18:28)
I posted them on the art portal.thier on my account page.
ExAker 2012-06-02 16:22:16
Oh not bad keep it up!
lokimiah1 2012-06-02 16:22:16
Okay send me or show me.
lokimiah1 (Updated )
I posted them on the art portal.thier on my account page.